Hide and seek

Hide and seek

Now look beneath my glowing eyes,
And tell me if you see warrior-tears
Of happiness divine for they have found,
A subtle reflection in your unique smile.

It’s such a wonder to behold when
In a wave of delicate moments,
I feel that you are completely mine,
And not another’s empty shallow lie.

There are hours far from your touch,
And also days when you hide away,
But still I wait because love is a candle,
That burns brightly in my lonely heart.

You are bliss, an echo of warmth,
For those seconds I linger and thou,
It could never be more than just dreams,
Like a child on Christmas day, I await only
Your love…

The next time you see my humble body
And liberal spirit, just place thy gentle hand,
On my beating chest and listen; then you will
Understand entirely the feelings inside me,
Born daily only for you.  

Enjoy life with love as your daily smile.

Enjoy the embraces you receive for, 
they are an expression of true love,
Take them in, listen to their whispers,
And smile, for you are loved. 

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