
Se afișează postări din 2014

A Moment

Mend a shattered sun,   with the hopes of a silent moon. Forge a pulsing heart, with graves of empty stars. Rejoice in emerald dreams And touch whispers of love. Live on and discover, The joy of building fates. So, are you ready son, To be the only one? For if your answer's yes, I know I did my job alone.

Poezie de veste despre Pod si Apus

Podul de veste Podul verde dinspre Apus, Ascunde felurite-n tel, Povesti dintr-un foc furate, De la domni fara dreptate. Si pierduti, goniti pesemne, In corabii fara vele, Marinari ciobiti de sete, Privesc podul cu mandrie. Dar nu-i semn de impacare, Cu vacarmul Marii Negre, Ce inteteste fara veste, Valuri cu a maniei zestre. Ganduri oarbe se lovesc, De raceala podului, Ce rezista vantului, Insetat de razbunare. Treci tu calator haiduc, Fugi pe-a vremii nebunie, Si dai foc de ai putere, Noptii amare fara stele. Fulgi de oi negre,  Se vad timid in departari, Imbracate-n lacrimi de sange, Si vazduhuri de ploi. 

Tea time

To walk on magic, And in a field of dreams, Resembles kindness, From a mother's kiss. No cries or emptiness, No hidden vaults of flowers, The child within will forge, A light that never dies. We walk a line dressed in crude shadows, But at end, When all things said and done are over, Life speaks in beating stories. It makes no sense, to some it seems, But soon the joy embarks, On hidden whispers of bright light. The simple truth becomes a puzzle, An empty vessel of tomorrow, For none can see in bulky waters, The never-ending cloud of liars. So tell your stories, ghoulish despair, And leave thy mark on hearts of stone, For liberty of mind prevails, in hushed But o so gloomy manners.   


I found love in a dream, Wrapped with kindness, Filled with joy, And nurtured by faith. Such a happy feeling, To hold one's hands, And fall asleep smiling. So many emotions So little words to express them, For now the emptyness is gone, And nothing seems too hard. Rejoice and love dear friends, For there is no greater feeling, To step into the light.

Poem: Tranquility

Call it a thirst for more, A beacon of hope, Tucked away in your heart, I'll simply name it love And succumb to its gentleness. And the years will pass, Burring memories and joy In harmony divine, And you'll be mine Cheerfully smiling like a child. Don't need the world, With all its gloomy lessons; Just you and I writing light fables. So sleep now, dream of beauty And wake in eternity's earthly Gift of love. [...] And I'll see a new world, In a silent gaming monitor , Forging with sweat, The pulse of divinity humane. Rejoice now, for your eyes Will dream of blessings.

Cum sa faci salata de pui

Ingrediente: Pentru 2 portii avem nevoie de: 1 piept de pui dezosat si fara piele (500g) salata verde salata rosie cateva frunze leurda (optional) 2-3 morcovi potriviti 50 g caju (sau alune) 3-4 linguri iaurt 1 legatura patrunjel 2 linguri ulei de masline zeama de la jumatate de lamaie 1 ardei iute sare, piper Pentru marinata: 4 linguri ulei aromat cu usturoi 4 linguri sos soia zeama de la jumatate de lamaie piper Mod de preparare: O salata plina de uleiuri sanatoase. Spalam pieptul de pui si il taiem bucati potrivite, ca pentru gratar. Amestecam toate ingredientele pentru marinata, asezam puiul intr-o punga care se inchide ermetic si turnam sosul peste. Amestecam putin, pentru ca toate bucatile de carne sa se acopere de sos si lasam o ora la frigider. Prajim puiul pe gratarul incins, pana cand se patrunde, iar apoi lasam sa se raceasca. Carnea prajita va lasa un sos extraordinar, pe care l-am folosit in salata, impreuna cu dressingul. Morc...

Atena, Zeus, amintiri

Dar il smomi si pe el, vicleana fiind ca femeie, Hera in ziua cand fuse sa nasca Alcmena pe Hercul, Fala virtutii, in Teba cea bine-ntarita cu ziduri. Zeilor veseli atunci le zise nascutul din Cronos:             „ Dati ascultare, voi zeilor toti si zeitelor toate, Am sa va spun ceva nou cum inima-mi vrea si ma-nvata. Moasa Ilitia scoate-va azi la lumina pe unul Care, cand fi-va barbat, va supune pe toti megiesii, El e din neamul barbatilor care purced de la mine .” Hera-naltata, cu mintea vicleana, raspunse lui Zeus:             „ Numai sa nu ne amagesti si s-aduci la-mplinire cuvantul; De-asta eu rogu-te, Olimpianule, acum cu tarie Tu sa juri, ca pe toti megiesii ca domn va supune Cel care-n ziua de azi o sa fie nascut de-o femeie, Unul din neamul barbatilor care purced de la tine .”...